165 Trafalgar Street
Sold off-market
- 5 bed
- 4 bath
- 1 car
Land 736m2
Private Treaty
Fri 30 Apr 2021
165 Trafalgar Street
Sold off-market
It's what we do behind the scenes all day every day that matters most.
Many clients want to sell but also want to maintain privacy through the process. If you're adverse to a public campaign and open home inspections, we have a solution. A refined off-market selling process that matches your property quietly and privately to our 50,000 strong database of buyers. Our network works in collaboration, sharing information to match ideal buyers with their dream home. We sell 25% of our properties before they ever appear on a real estate portal, its off-market, it's effective. Sound of interest? Contact us today.
- 5 bed
- 4 bath
- 1 car
Land 736m2
Private Treaty
Fri 30 Apr 2021
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165 Trafalgar Street
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